
Your daily dose of dedioste. Since 2004

Bad Bush, good Bush

Si potrà dire quello che si vuole sulla sua politica estera, ma su alcune cose la classe politica dell’oltre Atlantico è ancora un uomo solo al comando.

Leggete cosa dice Bush nel discorso sullo stato dell’unione:

First, I propose to double the federal commitment to the most critical basic research programs in the physical sciences over the next 10 years. This funding will support the work of America’s most creative minds as they explore promising areas such as nanotechnology, supercomputing, and alternative energy sources. Second, I propose to make permanent the research and development tax credit to encourage bolder private-sector initiatives in technology. With more research in both the public and private sectors, we will improve our quality of life — and ensure that America will lead the world in opportunity and innovation for decades to come. Third, we need to encourage children to take more math and science, and to make sure those courses are rigorous enough to compete with other nations. We’ve made a good start in the early grades with the No Child Left Behind Act, which is raising standards and lifting test scores across our country. Tonight I propose to train 70,000 high school teachers to lead advanced-placement courses in math and science, bring 30,000 math and science professionals to teach in classrooms, and give early help to students who struggle with math, so they have a better chance at good, high-wage jobs. If we ensure that America’s children succeed in life, they will ensure that America succeeds in the world.”

Mica inglese e internet.

E lo rimarco, perchè un quasilaureato in materie scientifiche non può non sapere:

  1. fare le equivalenze
  2. cosa è una regressione lineare

Ogni riferimento NON è puramente casuale (tristezza…)